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Job Modeling

Businesses everywhere are seeking better ways to secure the talent necessary for success. But what talent does a job require for superior performance? Only the JOB has the answer, so let the job talk and listen carefully. The patented Job modeling process enables businesses to assess the job and talent to find the best job fit.

Its worth it! According to a study by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), it could cost up to five times a bad hire’s annual salary.

A recent Career Builder study revealed the true costs of a bad hire must include lost productivity, client relations, lost sales, recruiting and training and  27 percent of employers in the U.S. reported that a bad hire cost more than $50,000.”

There is no more important issue for building a high performance team, practice or culture the hiring the right people.

The Levelbreaker Selection System was designed to hire the best person for each role or position. Once the position job description is understood, we create a “customized” job profile that includes the competencies, behavior, motivators, values and emotional intelligence required to perform with excellence. Unless you do that, you’ll likely hire a great person for the wrong job.

The Levelbreaker© Job modeling process is a unique and effective solution because it benchmarks a specific job, not the people in the job. To do this, we let the job talk through an interactive process and job assessment.

The Levelbreaker© Job modeling process will help you make your next great hire.

• Identify the Job to be modeled. Understand the job requirements, how success is measured, and how it fits the company’s strategy.

• Identify Subject Matter Experts within the organization that have a direct connection to the job and use their expertise to help create the job benchmark.

• Define the Key Result Areas or critical goals and key business successes the job is responsible for meeting.

• Prioritize and Weigh Key Result areas. Collaboratively rank the key result areas by importance and time requirements.

• Respond to the Job Assessment to build the Ideal Candidate Job model.

• Complete candidate assessment or multi candidate assessment, pick the best candidate (s) to further qualify in your interviews.