KC Clark KC Clark


“Your personalized “whole person” Level Breaker© coaching system has had a great impact on me personally by helping me integrate my business vision, mission, and personal goals, something that I believe is unique and usually missing in the life of many advisors and small business owners. The depth and breadth of your guidance and experience has helped me build my team and the infrastructure necessary to support a referral only practice.”

— Jay Edwards, Advisor, GFS, CFBA, AIF, CLU, ChFC, CFP Granite Financial Partners, LLC.

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KC Clark KC Clark


It all begins with an idea.“Your efforts on our behalf are already generating tangible bottom-line results. You are truly responsible for helping us achieve all that we can be as individuals and as a company. Thanks for enhancing profits, improving sales, and most of all, for helping us learn how to become the best that we can possibly be each and every day. Your program is already paying back dividends. We look forward to continuing our relationship and using your services.”

— Daniel J. Mullane Managing Partner, HJ SIMS, LLC.

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KC Clark KC Clark


“I want to thank you for your support in helping build and strengthen the Cafe Services management team. Your initial team building workshop was a great success. The follow-up coaching was very valuable in learning how to leverage the assessment information to improve communications, teamwork and collaboration were spot on. The assessments provided were incredibly accurate and continue to provide additional value as you promised….(read more)

— Brian Stone CEO Cafe’ Services, Inc. 

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